Our Consulting Services
We at AZR perform all the consulting services such as Accounting services and consulting services. Weather your are a small firm or a big organization, we can surely bring you success.
Accounting Services
All the AZR employees are committed to record, report and analyse the financial information of the organisation at a time with accuracy.
Audit and Assurance
AZR conducts all the annual accounting audits with proper recheck and review by assurance experts to improve information practices of the company.
Business Setup Solution
AZR helps in the process of Business incorporation for the formation of a new corporation and effectively recognize as a serving agency under the laws.
Income Tax Filing
AZR assists better for Income Tax filing to improve the business reputation and avoiding the wastage by analyzing the unusual spending and blocking them.
Corporate Finance
AZR analyses the source of funding of the corporation and also investigate it’s capital structure to increase the value of the firm to the shareholder.
Business Valuation
AZR evaluated the economic value of owner’s interest in a business through set of procedures for estimation to draw more willing investors to increase the business.
Legal and Secretarial
AZR handles all the legal issues of the company irrespective of time on or before dealing. Also Secretarial services to informing the government about the company.
ERP Implementation
We AZR provides best ERP implementation services according to your need either it is related to management and manufacturing or Human resources solutions.
Best of consulting services
We at AZR are one stop agency for all accounting, secretarial and legal registration requirements. AZR conducts all the organizational economic activities measurement which includes monitoring the investments, credits, debits, regulations and their management. Companies having the proper financial analyzed report are termed as the successful company because it affects the economy of the company in various ways.
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Consulting Services from Experts
A person leading a company is expert in himself because he knows how to monitor their colleagues, all the processes undergoing within the organization and what future aspects are required for the growth. But monitoring is not enough. To run a business, it is necessary to divide all the works in experts hands to make the functioning of the company more effective. Similarly, Accounting services, Financing services, legal issues, business valuation and other are some processes perform smoothly when handled by the experts. These are the cases where it is necessary to be assisted with the related authorities.
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Time is money
As we all know that time is money, therefore each second if we are working productively that means we are earning for the future. A better-scheduled business has more growth than the unscheduled corporation. Moreover, many organizations are hiring a third party for scheduling their performance to review, recheck and examine the points of lacking, resulting in the depreciation to the company. AZR also investigate these facts and provide its consulting services to the business. It restricts and provide solutions for all the unusual practices obstructing the growth of the business.
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Location is everything
We are at prime-time location in New Delhi. Our offices located at central Lajpat Nagar. All types of conveniences are available nearby our office. When you have some emergent work, you can hire a taxi or just drive to our office. Metro station facility is also an option to reach our office.
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We are Care taker best Accountant best Consultant for your Business
They are best in handling for the obvious problems which I faced and they resolved it in the best least time as they ever could. All the executives are down to earth and try to experience the clients’ fun to work with them.

Siba Life Sciences
Best of AZR is that they keep all their clients' issues personal and listened to each and every point carefully as they consider us as a priority so that one could easily take a relief to breathe after handling cases to them

Nexus Business
Their mind-boggling techniques, their responsive attitude and very knowledgeable executives are willing to complete each of their tasks other than the normal business practice scopes. We recommend Azr for Business Consulting.

Almanac Life sciences